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Corporate agreements

The Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, with the aim of increasing attendance and resources devoted to maintenance of facilities and the preservation of collections, develops and consolidates relations with national and related agents.
 Major co-marketing agreements have been signed over the past months, providing special discounts and benefits, as summarized below:

Venetian Heritage >>>

COOP Italia >>>

Save Venice Inc. >>>

Venice International Foundation >>>

ISIC – International Student Identity Card >>>

TGS Eurogroup >>>

Associazione Amici dei Musei e Monumenti Veneziani >>>

Pam Panorama >>>


LOGO_FAIF.A.I. (Italian Environment Fund)
For all members: access to all permanent collections of the Musei Civici di Venezia with reduced entry fees (Clock Tower not included).


Circuito Cinema di Venezia

Circuito Cinema
For all holders of Fidelity Card Abbonamenti or CinemaPiù card: access to all permanent collections of the Musei Civici di Venezia with reduced entry fees (Clock Tower not included)