
Museums to be lived

From infant school to the Higher Education System (Universities etc.)
Here a full listing of activities. Visit our reservation website for bookings >




VENETIA 1600. Births and rebirths – VIRTUAL TOUR
The exhibition dedicated to the 1600 years of Venice offers the unprecedented opportunity of a visit “comfortably” seated at a school desk thanks to a special virtual tour of the exhibition. This new way of visiting the exhibition remotely, for the first time implemented by the Fondazione Muve for a temporary exhibition and specially developed for the world of schools, offers a special in-depth look at the thousand-plus-year history of Venice: from its legendary ‘foundation’ in 421, to the development of the Venetian state over the centuries, with its maritime empire, trade and the great events that have marked its history, right up to the present day. To enjoy this activity, the school must provide a computer or tablet, an IWB (interactive whiteboard) and a good internet connection.
Target: Primary and secondary schools, Universities
Find out more >




The Lion Hunt
What better than a lion, the very symbol of Venice, to lead children on a more unusual trip around the Doge’s Palace. In this ‘lion hunt’ they must find various painted and sculpted depictions of the animal throughout the Palace, and “win” some items that, put together, will result in a lion-like surprise to take home.
The activity also includes a short visit to the Bridge of Sighs and the New Prisons.
Target: Students aged 5/10
Duration: 2 h
Language: Italian, English, French, Spanish, Russian

A perfect Venetian crime. Find the culprit in the Doge’s Palace
This adventurous tour winds through all of the most significant areas of the Palace – from the courtyard, to the State Halls and the prisons – in the attempt to discover the numerous clues that will shed light on an intricate affair that took place at the time of Doge Francesco Foscari…
Target: Students aged 8/14
Duration: 2 h
Languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish

The Doge’s Palace: The Symbol of the City
A dynamic and fascinating guided tour that enables visitors to grasp the extraordinary beauty and complexity of a structure that is the symbol of the city, a building that embodies the highest aspects of Venetian civilisation and was formerly home not only to the Doge but also to the entire state administration. A masterpiece of Gothic art whose interiors also contain marvels of Renaissance and Mannerist architecture, the building is superbly decorated with works by artists such as Titian, Veronese and Tintoretto; in effect, a visit to the palace is one massive story told in pictures. The paintings and sculpture adorning the place, together with the architecture and the layout of its interiors, all reflect – in both symbolic and practical form – the workings of the Venetian Republic, the fundamental importance attributed to the various branches of the judicial system and to the visual manifestation of power. This visit through the heart of the city and its history is essential if one is to fully understand them.
The activity also includes a short visit to the Bridge of Sighs and the New Prisons.
Target: Students aged 13/19 and Higher Education System (Universities etc.)
Duration: 2 h
Language: Italian, English, French, Spanish, Russian



A 3D Palace
With degrees of complexity suited to different levels of schoolchildren, this workshop is preceded by a visit to the Doge’s Palace that focuses in particular upon the fabric of the building and its history, upon the construction of an extraordinary architectural “appartus” which was not only the seat of government but also a “conveyor of messages” expressed in works of painting and sculpture. In the workshop, the students will, starting from an exploded-view diagram, create a real 3D model of the Palace which they can then take home with them.
In collaboration with Formacultura
Target: Students aged 8/16
Duration: 2 h 30 min
Language: Italian, English, French

A 3D Palace with Muve toolkit
With degrees of complexity suited to different school year groups, this interactive visit to the Doge’s Palace focuses in particular on the fabric of the building and its history. It looks at the construction of an extraordinary architectural “apparatus”, which was not only the seat of government but also a “conveyor of messages” expressed through paintings and sculptures. At the end of the visit, a toolkit containing a 3-D cardboard model of the Palace will be provided to all participants with instructions, a short guide to the museum and other materials. The aim is support the school children in the continuation of their experience at home or at school.
In collaboration with Formacultura
Target: Students aged 8/16
Duration: 2 h
Language: Italian, English, French




Interactive itinerary: From Doges to Emperors
From the Doge’s Palace – the heart of the Venetian Republic – to the nineteenth-century Royal Palace at the other end of St. Mark’s Square. The students not only experience the magnificence and splendour of these buildings but are offered the opportunity to make out the visible traces left by the complex and often dramatic historical development which occurred as the Venetian Republic ended and came under the dominion of Napoleonic France and then Habsburg Austria. At the same time, however, they see how Venice maintained its identity and the fundamentally Italian nature of its art. A single ticket for a truly “unique” visit.
Target: Students aged 13/19 and Higher Education System (Universities etc.)
Duration: 2 h 30 min
Language: Italian, English




The Art detective
Having passed through the magnificent rooms of the palace and the vast multifaceted collections on the first floor, the children engage with the picture gallery in a more playful manner.
Story-telling opens the way to the discovery of details and the solution of puzzles, all of which teach the children how to look at pictures and understand them..
Target: Students aged 6/12
Duration: 1 h 30 min
Language: Italian, English, French

Museo Correr: a museum with a thousand faces
This interactive visit enables to discover the treasures and curiosities to be found in the sort of collections that were at the origin of all our museums. The tour passes from the Neoclassical rooms (with a range of important works by Antonio Canova: marble statues, plaster casts, models, paintings and sketches) on to the various valuable collections that reflect just how cosmopolitan the city has been throughout its history. It ends with the Picture Gallery, one of the world’s richest and most evocative collections of Venetian painting from its beginnings right up to the early sixteenth century.
Notes on architectural barriers Lift at the street number 52 St. Mark’s Square (between Florian Cafè and Aurora Cafè). To access, please call in advance the number +39 041 2405234.
Target: Students aged 13/19 and Higher Education System (Universities etc.)
Duration: 1 h 30 min
Language: Italian, English, French, Russian



The secrets of the ‘bookbinder’
The Museo Correr has reconstructed the ancient Pisani bookshop in San Vidal, Venice, now home to the Conservatorio Musicale di Venezia. Here you can admire extremely rare manuscripts and printed volumes from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, all examples of the ancient art of bookbinding. After observing them, you will be able to indulge in a basic technique of this art, creating a booklet in the workshop whose cover will be decorated drawing on the inspiration provided by the volumes on display.
Target: Primary school, 1st and 2nd grade secondary schools
Duration: 1 h 30 min



CA’ REZZONICO – Museum of Eighteenth-century Venice


Venice in the eighteenth century
In one of the city’s most opulent aristocratic residences myths and allegories serve to convey the Venetian aristocracy’s image of itself; however, at the same time, a new world can be seen emerging, a more realistic approach to the depiction of the world around us. The visit to Ca’ Rezzonico is a course of “full immersion” in elegance and great art; but it is also an opportunity to reflect upon the century of the Enlightenment, with a multidisciplinary approach highlighting the different ways in which that period can be understood.
Target: Students aged 11/19 and Higher Education System (Universities etc.)
Duration: 1 h 30 min
Language: Italian, English, French, Spanish, Russian


How does Venice work?
Understanding how Venice is made, how it works and how it worked in the past is the first step to living it, respecting and enjoying it. Why is the urban fabric of the city, which is so dense, characterised by so many campi and corti (squares)? Why is there a wellhead in every square? Why do the chimneys have such bizarre shapes? How do the houses and palaces stand in the water? These and many other questions will be answered in a special itinerary in which Ca’ Rezzonico lends itself perfectly as example and at the same time as a perfect observation point. We will start from the museum to reach the nearby Campo San Barnaba where we will see the wellhead in the center. Then we’ ll enter again at Ca’ Rezzonico by the water entrance to the palace on the Grand Canal. It is that here our exploration starts in search of answers to the above questions, and searching for the answers will lead us all the way up… to the attic! Each experience will then be documented and summarised in the workshop, during which the participants will put together a really special board they can take home in a “smart” version.
Available also the toolkit version.
Target: Students aged 8/15
Duration: 2 h (1 h 30 min in the toolkit version)
Language: Italian, English





Carlo Goldoni and Pietro Longhi: two witnesses of their time
The venue for this fascinating tour is Casa Goldoni, where the first part of the activity takes place. Here the lively theatre scene of eighteenth-century Venice is explored and the salient aspects of Carlo Goldoni’s approach to the medium are outlined, together with his ‘revolutionary’ way of interpreting – in the theatre – many aspects of the real life of his time. The circuit then continues to Ca’ Rezzonico, the famous museum of the eighteenth century in Venice, where exactly the same approach and the same intentions can be seen in the paintings of Pietro Longhi, Goldoni’s friend. A closeness of which both were proud and which still allows all of us today to grasp the fundamental elements of a crucial era recorded with freshness and irony.
Target: Secondary schools and Higher Education System (universities etc.)
Duration: 2 h 30 min
Languages: Italian, English




Carlo Goldoni in Eighteenth-century Venice
Starting from the evocative Gothic courtyard of Ca’ Centanni in San Tomà, the house in which Carlo Goldoni was born, the itinerary focuses on the life of the great Venetian playwright and the characteristics of the theatrical arts of his time, when there were fifteen theatres in the city, making Venice one of the capitals of European culture. The visit aims to retrace and understand the great theatrical and cultural revolution brought about by Goldoni in the eighteenth century, which substituted the masks of the commedia dell’arte for stories drawn from real life. The visit is rounded off by the wonderful puppet theatre on display in the museum.
Target: Students aged 11/19 and Higher Education System (Universities etc.)
Duration: 1 h
Language: Italian, English



Puppets take Centre Stage
In one of its rooms, Casa Goldoni houses a precious puppet theatre with splendid original eighteenth-century puppets. In his own Mémoires, Goldoni mentions how, in this very house, his young self had played with such a puppet theatre – perhaps similar to this (but certainly less magnificent). After a short visit to the rooms with the puppet theatre and a lively account of some scenes from Goldoni’s plays (as depicted in the set pieces located within the museum), the workshop activity guides the children to construct cardboard puppets inspired by Goldoni’s characters
Target: Students aged 5/10
Duration: 1 h 30 min
Language: Italian, English, French


CA’ PESARO – International Gallery of Modern Art


Journeys through the Twentieth Century
This guided tour navigates a clear and emotionally-engaging course through the museum’s masterpieces of the twentieth-century art. The comparisons and contrasts which highlight the different tendencies and trends during that century also suggest various directions for further reflection and in-depth study. Organisation on the basis of chronology and theme makes it possible to grasp how the “making of art” changed as the century progressed, with works of the highest quality serving to illustrate a constant process of experimentation and the key phases in the evolution of painting and sculpture. At the same time, this approach is multidisciplinary in inspiration, enabling the students to see changes in art in relation to the radical – perhaps dramatic – transformations that were taking place in the world at the time.
Target: Students aged 13/19 and Higher Education System (Universities etc.)
Duration: 1 h 30 min
Language: Italian, English, French



Trans-form with music and colours
Direct observation of Kandinsky’s masterpiece ‘White Zig-Zags’, provides an excellent starting point for an active workshop in which the children after having familiarised themselves with geometric shapes, lines and colours, can try their hand at a true ‘collective’ artistic performance in which the individual shapes, transferred into the space of a long white sheet, become the protagonists of new figures and new stories.
The activity lends itself to deepening topological concepts relating to shapes, but also to an undestanding and knowledge of colours.
Target: Students aged 4/10
Duration: 2 h
Language: Italian, English, French, Spanish

My art Gallery
This activity includes an interactive visit to masterpieces exhibited in the International Gallery of Modern Art of Ca’ Pesaro, including Rodin’s “The bourgeois of Calais”, Klimt’s “Judith II” and “The ladies” of Casorati. Through this visit, the participants will rediscover the masterpieces with ‘new eyes’, a renewed appreciation of their beauty and of their details. For younger participants, the visit will take place and will be supported by the storytelling method. Through this method, the younger participants will use their body to trace the movements of some works; while for the older ones, the visit will alternate observation with moments of analysis, developing the critical skills necessary for the subsequent workshop. Once in the workshop, the students will experience the difficult yet ‘intriguing’ profession of the museologist, rearranging the museum’s works through a diorama that recreates perfectly a 3D art gallery.
This activity is also available in the Muve toolkit mode.
Target: Students aged 5/14
Duration: 2 h (1 h 30 min in the toolkit mode)
Language: Italian, English, French

Clay faces
Sculpture, as we know, is one of the strengths of the Ca’ Pesaro collection: monumental works such as Rodin’s “Bourgeois of Calais”, or the intense waxes of Medardo Rosso or the perfect and expressive marbles of Adolfo Wildt can offer a formidable impact with this art also for the youngest. After a “targeted” tour in the museum, in the laboratory the children will be guided to shape their own sculpture with clay: a face, their own self-portrait or a subject inspired by the experience they have just lived.
Target: Students aged 7/19
Duration: 2 h
Language: Italian, English


MUSEUM OF PALAZZO MOCENIGO – Museum of Textiles, Clothing and Perfume


Voyage through an eighteenth-century home
In the former home of the aristocratic Mocenigo family, the thematic tour takes visitors on a voyage of discovery past original clothing, accessories and fabrics, displayed alongside furnishings and works of art in what is effectively a ‘house-museum’ documenting the taste of an era, a time when Venice was one the main centres in Europe for the production not only of textiles but also of cosmetics and spices.
The display, to which is added a selection dedicated to eighteenth-century fashion in Venice, with a number of period dresses and petticoats, ends with a visit to the evocative perfume section.
Target: Students aged 13/19 and Higher Education System (Universities etc.)
Duration: 1 h 30 min
Language: Italian, English, French



Workshop Backstage: hidden treasures of fashion and costume*

Activity suspended from 1 July to 30 August 2024

An unusual itinerary that leads from the exhibition rooms of the museum, where clothes, textiles, furnishings and works from the eighteenth century are on display, to the extremely rich storerooms on the second floor, in spaces that are not normally accessible to the public. Here are preserved the rarest, most delicate and precious textile artefacts in the collection. In these storerooms, it is possible to admire the sixteenth-century calcagnini, the high wedge shoes beloved of noblewomen and courtesans, the women’s and men’s dresses of eigtheenth-century Venice, such as the famous andrienne, the favourite style of dress of Venetian women of the time, or the marsine and sottomarsine worn by men, together with accessories such as the bauta, socks and bags. A unique and evocative experience that also allows you to understand how a museum works ‘behind the scenes’.
Target: Secondary schools and Higher Education System (Universities etc.)
Duration: 2 h

[*] For security reasons, access to the storerooms is only possible for a limited number of people. The class, supervised by two operators, will be divided into two groups that will take turns in visiting the museum and the storerooms



The fashion game at Palazzo Mocenigo
How did people live in a Venetian palace? What clothes did the gentlemen and ladies wear on different occasions of the day? Who were the ‘muskers’? Why were perfumes produced in Venice? The furnishings, paintings, accessories, clothes and raw materials – all there to be sniffed! – of Palazzo Mocenigo tell the story of fashions and customs in eighteenth-century Venice, in a mix of opulence, elegance and cosmetics. An interactive path with many things to discover and do, with paper dolls to ‘dress up’, in order to understand the complex ritual of dressing and continue the ‘journey’ of knowledge at home.
Target: Students aged 7/14
Duration: 1 h 30 min

Language: Italian, English, French




In the ‘studio-home’ of Mariano Fortuny
For the reopening of the Museo di Palazzo Fortuny with a completely new layout dedicated to the multifaceted and industrious genius of Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo (1871-1949) and his muse and wife Henriette Nigrin, a special thematic itinerary follows in the footsteps of this extraordinary exponent of the Venetian and European art scene at the cusp of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, in what was once his home and studio in Campo San Beneto in the evocative setting of Palazzo Pesaro degli Orfei.
The tour takes place on the first floor of the palace, an exceptional example of Venetian floral Gothic, where the ‘spirit’ of the Genius loci, Spanish by origin but Venetian by adoption, still hovers: in the salon, furnished in the ‘Fortuny style’, and in the adjoining rooms, the life, art and collecting of the family, who lived here from 1898 to 1965, are revealed. From his first experiences with painting, copying the great artists of the past along with the works of his father Mariano Fortuny y Marsal (1838-1874), visitors move on to the Wagnerian cycle, and from the splendid printed fabrics to the pleated dresses, including the legendary ‘Knossos’ and ‘Delphos’ – creations of Hellenistic inspiration – and so to the innovations in the field of stage design and lighting, such as the ingenious ‘cupola’ with which he revolutionised the theatre of the early 1900s.
The itinerary provides a fascinating journey revealing the extraordinary eclectic genius of an artist who perfectly embodied the concept of ‘total art’ so dear to Wagner.
Target: Upper secondary schools
Duration: 1 h 30 min
Language: Italian, English, French

Build your own ‘figurine’ in Muve Toolkit version
In the evocative tour through the renovated Fortuny Museum, amidst hundreds of works of painting, sculpture, printing on fabric, textiles, lighting technology, theatrical scenography and photography, we will focus on Mariano and Henriette’s innovations in fashion: from their famous pleated dresses (Delphos, Knossos) to printing on fabric. Participants will then continue their classroom experience with a kit including figurines to be dressed and coloured like modern fashion designers, inspired by the decorative shapes and beautiful fabrics and clothes seen in the museum.
Target: Primary schools, 1st grade secondary schools
Duration: 2 h




Nature in a museum: stories and collections
A visit to this museum is a fascinating experience that brings many different senses into play: in each room, touch, sight and hearing all contribute to our understanding. And each section of the museum is a complete unit, making the place a series of museums within the museum. The first “journey” one undertakes is to the origins of life on earth, exploring fossils and the world of dinosaurs. Then one looks at how natural history collections themselves have evolved, from the days of ancient explorers to those of modern scientific researchers. And finally there is a fascinating section that looks at the enormous variety in the strategies upon which the maintenance of life depends – from movement to nutrition.
Target: Students aged 7/19
Duration: 1 h 30 min
Language: Italian, English



Together for the Blue Planet
Sea and sustainable development: what relationship do they have? How can we contribute?
The activity involves an ‘immersion’ in the museum’s evocative rooms to learn about the oceans, the dynamics that govern them and their fundamental relationship with the land. Small experiments, interactive games, and the observation of artefacts will provide an opportunity to reflect on how each of us can make a contribution by facing great challenges together to safeguard our Blue Planet.
In collaboration with Marevivo Veneto.
Target: 1st grade secondary schools
Duration: 2 h




A Story of Skill, Sand and Fire
The thousand-year craft of Venetian glass-making is recounted in a guided tour through the rooms of the museum, which house some of the famous works that made, and continue to make, the city’s glass legendary throughout the world – not only for the technical skill of its craftsmen but also for the creativity of the artists and designers who have drawn inspiration from the huge potential of glass as a material.
Target: Students aged 13/19 and Higher Education System (Universities etc.)
Duration: 1 h 30 min
Language: Italian, English





A Story of Skill, Sand and Fire (with glassworking demonstration)
The same activity is also available, after the museum visit and with a small price increase, with the possibility of a visit to the furnace at the Abate Zanetti Glass School, where a demonstration by a master glassmaker will take place.
Target: Infant school (medium and high), primary school, 1st and 2nd grade secondary schools, universities
Duration: 2 h




Lace and Lacemakers
In addition to the splendid display of lace ranging from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, the museum’s guided tour includes a real-life look at the complex and original lace-making techniques used by the island’s last lace-makers, who offer a lively and highly skilled testimonial to their craft.
Target: Students aged 7/19 and Higher Education System (Universities etc.)
Duration: 1 h
Language: Italian, English, Spanish



Creating ‘my’ own lace!
This activity offers the possibility of an exclusive visit to the Museo del Merletto (Lace Museum) on a day when it is usually closed to the public: Monday. Thanks to the keen assistance of the lace-makers present on the premises, it also provides a first approach to the ancient art of lace-making, a candidate for Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (Unesco). After a visit to the masterpieces on display, the children are divided into small groups and, starting from a drawing of a leaf previously made by the lacemaker, and under their careful guidance, will create a simple ‘bar’ (sbaro), one of the steps that give life to the ‘Punto Venezia’ technique; and they can take their handiwork home!
In collaboration with the Associazione Merlettaie of the Museo del Merletto di Burano
Target: 1st and 2nd grade secondary schools
Duration: 2 h 30 min


Note on architectural barriers:
All the museums are equipped with a lift, except Palazzo Mocenigo*.
At the Museo Correr the lift is located at no. 52 Piazza San Marco (entrance between Caffè Florian and Caffè Aurora). To gain access to it you must call +39 0412405234 before your visit.
(*) There is no lift at Palazzo Mocenigo; there is a staircase leading to the main floor of the museum; toilets without provision for the disabled are on the first floor; laboratory room on the ground floor.


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