
Admission and Prices

Any activity from MUVE Educational Programme must be booked online >

The MUVE Education programme can also be consulted and booked in the ‘SCHOOLS’ section ot the website.


Booking arrangements

The admission ticket to the museum is included in the cost of the educational activity. MUVE Education activities can be booked and paid for more easily in a single payment that also includes the museum entrance fee, which no longer has to be paid separately.

1. View the various activities proposed on the platform or click on the red ‘choose and book’ button to select and consult the educational offer at the various locations and the costs, checking the preferred day and time slot (following the instructions for filling in the various fields). This mode is also useful for an initial cost/price simulation before proceeding with the booking

2. To finalise the booking it is necessary to enter the details of the school and/or the contact person (teacher or accompanying person making the booking), including the e-mail address to which confirmation and summary of the booking will be sent, with the link for payment to be made exclusively online

3. Payment must be made in advance and online by bank transfer or credit card via the ‘Go to payment methods’ link sent by e-mail upon confirmation of the reservation

ELECTRONIC INVOICE: Institutions requiring an electronic invoice may request it when booking online, by ticking the appropriate box and entering the CUU (unique code) and CIG (Contract Reference Number) codes, or no later than 7 days later, by again communicating the CUU and CIG codes useful for issuing the invoice.
Teachers are reminded to communicate the need for electronic invoicing to their teaching secretaries and DSGA (administrative director) in good time in order to avoid problems

4. The educational activity is confirmed once the activity has been paid for, which must be done in advance within one month of use. Last minute bookings can be requested by e-mail to or by calling 0412700370 (Mon or Wed from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.), with payment in advance. There is no refund for cancellation.

Please note: In order to make the most of the museums and the city generally, you are highly recommended to evaluate the possibility of arranging class outings in months other than April and May, which is the period of greatest turnout. You will find fewer crowds and will consequently enjoy a better overall experience.




  • Go to the ‘Schools’ section of the website and check out the educational programmes of schools in the museum, museum in the classroom etc.
  • Click on the red ‘choose and book’ button
  • Choose school group and/or activity and/or museum and proceed (clicking on ‘proceed’ takes you directly to the whole programme)
  • Choose an activity and check the ‘activity and costs’ link
  • Click on ‘book’ and fill in the fields (language, no. of visitors, date and time of visit, school details, electronic invoice, read and sign general conditions, etc.).
  • Send the booking request


  • After sending the reservation, the Suite Museum system sends an e-mail (from a ‘No reply’ address), containing:
    1. Acknowledgement that the request has been filled out and sent correctly. Within 4 working days you will receive actual confirmation of the reservation made
    2. Confirmation of availability of the activity and summary of the booking made identified by a ⅚ digit code (P…..) and a link leading to the online payment method (by bank transfer or credit card).
    A booking confirmation form is also attached, containing all the information relating to the booking made and how to gain access to the museum, meeting point, etc.
  • The reservation is definitively confirmed once payment has been made.
    NOTE: If an electronic invoice has been requested, the payment must follow the administrative procedure initiated (via the appropriate platform, with communication of the CUU and CIG codes to the administrative office of the Fondazione Muve and not via the link received by e-mail)
  • There is no refund for cancellations (more info in the ‘General Terms and Conditions’ of the activities)



MUSEUM ADMISSION IS INCLUDED IN THE BOOKING. MUVE Education activities can be booked and paid for more easily in a single payment that also includes the museum entrance fee, which no longer has to be paid separately.


    in the museums, in the temporary exhibitions
    and language learning activities (English and Italian)
    € 100 for a class of up to 25 students 


    – Doge’s Palace + Museo Correr: From Doges to Emperors
    – Casa Goldoni + Ca’ Rezzonico: Carlo Goldoni & Pietro Longhi, two witnesses of their time
    – Glass Museum + Glass School Abate Zanetti: A Story of Skill, Sand and Fire (with glassworking demonstration)
    – Museo del Merletto + Associazione Merlettaie Creating ‘my’ own lace! (only on Mondays, when the museum is closed)
    € 150 for classes of up to 25 students


    Backstage: hidden treasures of fashion and costume at Palazzo Mocenigo
    € 150 for classes of up to 25 students


  • Activities are paid for online in advance via a link sent by the system or by following the administrative procedure for an electronic invoice
  • The cost of the activity includes admission to the museum for all classes of all levels
  • Free admission for accompanying teachers (max 2) and/or accompanying persons of certified disabled people
  • Additional accompanying teachers and non-teaching staff (up to max 2 per group) are entitled to the special reduced ‘School Offer’ rate
  • At the Doge’s Palace there is a free whisper service for classes booking an activity, accompanied by 2 accompanying teachers and for any accompanying persons of certified disabled people.

Please note: classes that do NOT purchase a MUVE Education activity can still take advantage of the special reduced ‘School Offer’ rate, but only from 1 September to 15 March by presenting a list of names filled in by their school at the ticket office; in other periods admission will be with the reduced museum ticket.

Special reduced ‘School Offer’ ticket for the following sites:

    • Doge’s Palace + Museo Correr (Museums in St Mark’s Square): € 5.50 (this also gives admission to the public rooms of the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana and the Museo Archeologico Nazionale).
    • Ca’ Rezzonico, Ca’ Pesaro, Palazzo Mocenigo, Fortuny Museum, Natural History Museum of Venice, Glass Museum (Murano): € 4
    • Carlo Goldoni’s House, Lace Museum (Burano): € 3.50
    • The ‘Matisse and the Light of the Mediterranean’ exhibition at the Centro Culturale Candiani (28 September 2024 – 4 March 2025) offers free admission


In order to gain admission to the museum venues with a booked educational activity already paid for in advance, it is necessary to go to the museum ticket office with the booking form.
At the Doge’s Palace, in order to avoid potentially long queues, please use the ‘educational activities’ fast track.
Classes interested in visiting the Museo di Storia Naturale ‘Giancarlo Ligabue’ (‘Giancarlo Ligabue’ Natural History Museum) independently are advised to call 0412700303 to schedule admission and avoid long waits at the entrance.


€ 100 per activity for classes of up to 25 pupils
For classroom activities with destinations outside the Municipality of Venice the school must also pay a travel expense reimbursement to the operator, which is calculated using


€ 100
With the possibility of conducting the course either remotely or directly in the classroom with an educator


Difficulties in reaching our venues? Contact us at, we can help you with useful hints and tips


– Telephone: +39 041 2700370 (hours: 9.30-12.30 Mondays and Wednesdays)
– Email (from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays)
Activities can be booked online here: CHOOSE AND BOOK >>> except for LAST MINUTE requests which must be made, subject to availability, exclusively by telephone or e-mail.
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