MUVE In Contemporanea 2024 | Exhibitions


The contemporary art exhibition season at the Musei Civici di Venezia is In Contemporanea.

Featuring Giorgio Andreatta Calò, Loris Cecchini, Chiara Dynys, Eva Jospin, Lorenzo Quinn, Federica Marangoni, Eva Marisaldi, Roberto Matta, Carla Tolomeo, Armando Testa, Francesco Vezzoli, and, in Mestre, Matisse and the group exhibitions of young artists.

With the arrival of spring, the programme of exhibitions dedicated to contemporary art and its various forms and protagonists comes to life: In Contemporanea. A series of events, scheduled from March to November 2024, with exhibitions, meetings, suggestions, fusions and dialogues between contemporary artists and the heritage of civic collections, venues and museum life.



Carlo Goldoni’s House
21 March – 24 November 2024

Fortuny Museum
10 April – 24 November 2024

Musei delle lacrime
Museo Correr
17 April – 24 November 2024

Armando Testa • >
Ca’ Pesaro – International Gallery of Modern Art
20 April – 15 September 2024

Lo Stile
Ca’ Pesaro – International Gallery of Modern Art
20 April – 15 September 2024

Anime di Venezia Souls of Venice
Ca’ Rezzonico Museum of 18th-century Venice
19 April 15 September 2024

1970-2024. Non solo vetro
Glass Museum, Murano
19 May 24 November 2024

Albero della vita
Palazzo Mocenigo Museum
25 May 24 November 2024

Forte Marghera, Padiglione 29
June December 2024

Lace Museum, Burano
14 June 2024 8 January 2025

Mestre, Centro Culturale Candiani
14 September 20 October 2024

Leaps, gaps and overlapping diagrams

Ca’ Rezzonico – Museum of 18th-century Venice
21 September 2024 – 31 March 2025

Mestre, Centro Culturale Candiani
28 September 2024 4 March 2025

1911 – 2002
Ca’ Pesaro – International Gallery of Modern Art
25 October 2024 23 March 2025

Ca’ Pesaro – International Gallery of Modern Art
15 November 2024 4 March 2025


Current exhibitions >>>



The first appointment in chronological terms is with Eva Marisaldi at Casa di Carlo Goldoni (21 March – 24 November) and Biribisso, curated by Chiara Squarcina and Pier Paolo Pancotto: new works in the form of a single, large, multi-sensory installation that is spread throughout the museum spaces, realised with the musician Enrico Serotti and constituting “’disordered’ reflections on theatre, of staged performances connected, in some way, to the contemporaneity of Carlo Goldoni”.

Eva Jospin. Selva is the project realised for the Museo di Palazzo Fortuny (10 April – 24 November) curated by Chiara Squarcina and Pier Paolo Pancotto. Using everyday materials, fabrics, cardboard and vegetable fibres, the artist gives life to a large composition with a strong scenographic impact and a fairy-tale, at times mysterious or almost magical tone, to induce reflection on themes such as creativity and operative and intellectual processes – in a comparison also with Mariano Fortuny’s rich and varied artistic production – and on ecological and environmental issues.

The richest week of meetings, from 16 to 19 April, opens with Musei delle Lacrime (Museums of tears) by Francesco Vezzoli at the Museo Correr (17 April – 24 November), curated by Donatien Grau, dedicated to a dialogue with the museum’s artistic heritage and carried out in a radical and innovative manner. In the Museo Correr, where the Modern setting highlights the collection, the artist casts offers a new vision with works spanning over twenty years of artistic production, from historical pieces to almost a dozen newly created works, created specifically to investigate the tears lost in the history of art.

Ca’ Pesaro, Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea’s tribute to Armando Testa (20 April – 15 September) takes the form of an extensive and extraordinary monographic exhibition dedicated to the creative figure from Piedmont. Thanks to the curatorial work conducted by Gemma De Angelis Testa with Tim Marlow, Director of the Design Museum in London, and Elisabetta Barisoni, Head of Ca’ Pesaro, the exhibition reconstructs the artistic development of this modern genius, from the advertising icons that Testa created and that have entered our collective imagination, to the production of paintings and graphic work, and on to the social campaigns that saw his creativity at the service of national and international emergencies of various kinds. The museum has had a very strong bond with Armando Testa since 2022, with the donation of seventeen works to the Venetian civic collections.

Also at Ca’ Pesaro, in the Dom Pérignon Rooms, visitors will find Lo Stile (Style) by Chiara Dynys (20 April – 15 September) where, in deference to an approach that has always refused any stylistic definition, Dynys reinterprets the linguistic synthesis of Neoplasticism founded by Piet Mondrian through a series of new immersive environments, in which light and matter redesign the narrative of reality.

Finally, the androne, or entrance hall, of Ca’ Rezzonico – Museo del Settecento Veneziano hosts Lorenzo Quinn’s installation Anime di Venezia (Souls of Venice) (19 April – 15 September): an unprecedented project that marks the bond of love between Venice and the artist and represents an absolute novelty in Quinn’s production. Fifteen statues made of a metal mesh depict some of the most significant protagonists – the souls – of the Serenissima, to seal the union and symbiosis between the city and all its arts, which have made it immortal.

In Contemporanea continues in May with the Museo del Vetro di Murano hosting Federica Marangoni On the road: 1970 – 2024. Non solo vetro (Not only glass) (19 May – 24 November). Likewise, the Museo di Palazzo Mocenigo opens to Carla Tolomeo’s Tree of Life project (25 May – 24 November), while Mestre hosts the group exhibitions of the fifth edition of Artefici del nostro tempo (Creators of our tiime) at Forte Marghera (14 June – 31 December) and the eighth edition of Premio Mestre di Pittura (14 September – 20 October). An eagerly awaited event for the summer is the Biennale del Merletto in Burano with Fragile Stories (14 June – 5 January 2025). Great exhibitions and shows will accompany visitors until the end of the year, with the new exhibition at the Candiani in Mestre, Matisse e la luce del Mediterraneo (Matisse and the light of the Mediterranean) (28 September 2024 – 4 March 2025), Loris Cecchini at Ca’ Rezzonico (20 September – 25 March 2025), the work of the great Chilean painter Roberto Matta (25 October – 23 March 2025) and the project dedicated to Giorgio Andreotta Calò (15 November – 4 March 2025).


Current exhibitions >>>