Grand Palais Immersif
From 21 September 2022 until 19 February 2023
Curated by Gabriella Belli with Elena Marchetti
Associate curator Yves Ubelmann
The exhibition, co-produced by Grand Palais Immersif (a subsidiary of the Rmn – Grand Palais) and Iconem in collaboration with the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, will be hosted at the Grand Palais Immersif, the new venue, dedicated to programming immersive exhibitions, which will open in Paris this September.
The invention of Venice is nothing short of a miracle, and this is what the exhibition Venice Revealed aims to help visitors discover and experience.
A miracle of engineering, architecture and art, for several centuries this peerless city built on the unstable mud of a lagoon has been fighting the sea, which represents both a merciless threat and the source of its immense wealth.
As they explore, visitors unearth the countless secrets and treasures that escape the eye when strolling through the city. To walk through walls and discover what hides behind them is the dream of all lovers of Venice, and is made a reality by the exhibition Venice Revealed.